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"You don't quit skydiving because you get old, you get old because you quit skydiving!" - Bill Wood

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World POPS Pages

Below are links to various pages within the World POPS Website. Some are direct Links to Branches of POPS, some are to information of previous events.

World Peace
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World POPS Logo.png

For the latest POPS and more,
News and Events.

Got a POPS/SOS/JOS/JOES/JONS Event planned?
Why not invite World Society Members.
Send us the details and we will add it to the News Section.

Latest News - Quick Note

  • French POPS Meet to be held May 8 - 12 2024

  • UK POPS Events and Records being held throughout the year

Please see the news link above or visit the connected websites

This web site is wholly owned by and copyrighted by the Parachutists Over Phorty Society. The design and maintenance of the web site is by The World POPS Webmaster.

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