World POPS
Although the Parachutists Over Phorty Society had members in many countries, it did not begin to have a World identity until the first World POPS Championships (WPC) in Australia in 1989. A stronger global community was then forged by the election of Mike Allum as the first World TOP POP at the third WPC in Spain in 1995. The main responsibility of the World TOP POP is the organisation of the next WPC.
WPCs now take place every two to three years and are an opportunity to renew old friendships, make new ones and take part in friendly competition with and against POPS members from all over the world.
It is also referred to as the World POPS Meet (WPM).
World POPS Records and Championships
Please find below links to World Championships of the past, Current National Top POPS & World Top POPS past and Present, National Records, World Records and Awards presented at the World Meet & Championships.
Link to the Current World POPS Records.
Link to the current Recorded National Records held by each National POPS Branches.
Link to the awards presented at each World Meet and Championship.